Most people associate home exchange with vacations/holidays and, indeed, this is still by far the most popular reason Home Base Holidays members swap homes. However, we are noticing that members are increasingly using the service in some very imaginative ways. We'll be looking at a few of the most common over the next few weeks, starting with arranging a home swap for a special occasion (see post 18th March below).
More and more freelancers, and people running Internet or home based businesses, have the freedom to work almost anywhere ('location independent'). The only requirements are often reliable phone and internet connections. Home Base Holidays members who fit this category make ideal home exchangers and, if not tied to school holidays, are often able to be flexible on dates, length of exchange and exact locations (much like our many retired members). Jo (Freelance marketing consultant) and Kevin (Photographer), pictured with their family, are good examples of freelancers who can work anywhere. The family lives in a big, beautiful cottage in the village of Braunton, Devon; click here to view their exchange offer.
Have you used a home swap (or maybe several) to combine work with seeing a different part of the world? We'd love to hear your stories - leave a comment or contact us.