Here in the UK, we have been having some very stormy weather, causing chaos for Christmas travellers. Parts of eastern Canada and the US have just had terrible ice storms too.
With possible severe or unpredictable weather at this time of year in many parts of the world, if you are leaving soon on a home exchange, think about any items of outdoor clothing that could be useful to your guests (like boots and warm coats) should the weather take a turn for the worse while they are staying in your home.
If you have children, arranging to swap homes with another family with a home already well equipped for children the ages of your own is a great way to save the hassle of packing bulky baby equipment and toys. Knowing that you will have access to rainwear or heavier coats, boots or wellies in appropriate sizes would cut down on having to bring lots of extra clothing 'just in case' too.
The photo is of my 'bonsai' snowman (those coffee bean buttons give away his scale) that I made on impulse one morning in spring when we had woken up to find snow settling on the spring flowers and blossoms in London.
Here's wishing all Home Base Holidays members and regular readers a very happy holiday season!