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July 09, 2013


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Jeff at ASecureLife

If you have a modern security system, it is possible to use it to your advantage in other ways besides catching burglar's. If there is a room in your house that you specifically have asked your guests to stay out of, it is really easy to put a wireless sensor (either a door sensor or a motion detector) in that room while you are away. If there is any movement in that room, you can set it up to be notified via a text message or other mobile alert. You can then immediately notify the guest that you are aware of the movement. These security systems are also great to track the comings and goings of your guests. Of course, make sure you make them aware of your security setup. These extra steps should go a long way in keeping you valuables secure during a home exchange.

William Peregoy

Good list. It does seem like something that can be really daunting ("having strangers in the home") for somebody who's never done it before.

I've done house-sitting a few times - usually required cleaning pools and feeding pets. It's weird being in somebody else's home but you get used to it. Just relax and watch their TV.

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