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September 18, 2010


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I have to admit as a European I am a little scared of exchanging with Americans and finding my house judged as falling short of the mark. Living in a Victorian shack is either cute or inconvenient depending on your point of view.

It looks like their exchange partner wasn't good on full disclosure (eg the road) and but that there were also some cultural differences- eg the fridge/lack of air con.

I'm off to update my snag list!


Sadly, stephanie's inexperience was the problem in this exchange. The exchangers listing stated he was married. If she found out he was a batchelo before the exchange, THAT should have sent her running. The photo's were clear, IMO - this house was rustic. To have accepted a house for two months without photos of tge kitchen and bathroom was naive. France in the summer without a/c for an American???? Not a smart idea.

She got sucked in to the dream, which is understandable. But put the blame on her lack of research and experience rather than the other party's profession or marital status.

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