'There is a certain luxury to installing a garden all at once and, viola!, instant lushness! I sort of did that last summer with the raised concrete garden in the backyard last May. I literally planted the whole thing one stormy afternoon from a trailer load of goodies I hauled from one of my favorite nurseries. That was luxury. I rationalized the whole extravagance by telling myself that our home exchange family from Sweden that was coming for a month that July really needed to have this as a backdrop. But who was I kidding? There's nothing like a deadline to get things done.'
I read this recently in a post on a blog written by a garden designer in Fredericksburg, TX who runs a local garden design business, Pop Up Gardens. I'm sure she's not alone in using a home exchange as a good excuse to get on with little jobs around the house and garden (or, in some cases, persuade a partner not to put off such jobs any longer!)
And, from Cathy, a Home Base Holidays member with a two bedroom townhouse in Mission Bay (in photo), Auckland, New Zealand:
'I know the feeling of decorating, even thinking about it tires me although Laurie is home from his last contract in Australia and is going to start knocking things around in the house, but then that is a "hobby" to him - have been there before when he is working every night finishing the current project in time for the house exchangees to arrive!!' Cheers, Cathy
Although always 'open to offers' on dates and destinations, Cathy and Laurie are currently looking for an exchange in June (Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Europe or the USA).
Mission Bay is a 10 minute scenic drive along the waterfront from centre of Auckland City of Sails. Lovely safe beach across the road which is great for swimming, windsurfing, kayaking, kiteboarding if you are brave!
See full details, and more photos, of this attractive exchange offer.