Every once in awhile an enquirer, or Home Base Holidays member planning to buy a second home in a location that will be popular for home swaps, puts me on the spot to name that mythical 'most popular location in the world' for exchanges. The truth is, there is no one country, or area, or city that stands way ahead of other equally attractive locations. Just as homes come in all shapes and sizes, so do the needs of home exchangers - some want to swap to major world cities (and save the high costs of hotel bills), others want to holiday in seaside or ski resorts, while others prefer to exchange to untouristy, off the beaten track areas to experience living in a completely different environment. By the very fact they are prepared to swap homes and arrange their own trips, home exchangers are independent travellers and so could never be slotted under a one size fits all 'preferred destination' or even several. The advantage of having operated a home exchange service for many years is that I have been able to see trends come and go (e.g. a few years ago the prohibitive costs of flights put many British exchangers off long haul destinations like Australia. Now Australia is one the most popular destinations for Brits). From this vantage point I also get a broad perspective over a large number of exchanges taking place each year between, and within, countries all over the world. Some lucky members do, of course, receive many exchange offers without any effort - but there is no one location where this applies exclusively. Others, the majority, who live in lesser known areas, do often have to work harder to attract interest in their exchange offers but, with a little effort, there's certainly no reason why even the most remote town will not be desirable as an exchange destination. It's just a matter of being prepared to take the time to find the right people. There are statistics regularly published in various journals and websites on the number of visitors to countries and large cities. This information is valuable to tourist offices and businesses who target visitors. But what do statistics really tell you? Some will cover all visitors to a country during a defined period, some include or exclude business travellers, others mainly domestic travellers and still others will record everyone who passes through an airport without differentiating between those arriving at their final destination from travellers in transit only. Euromonitor International has provided 'London attracted 15.6 million international visitors in 2006 to rank first in Euromonitor International's Top 150 City Destinations. The gap between the UK capital and other major cities increased as the presence of tourists in London's streets increased by 13% up on 2005. Bangkok (2), Paris (3) and Singapore (4) follow London respectively, with around ten million tourists each. Hong Kong ranked 5th with 8 million, while the six-million-club included New York (6), Dubai (7) and Rome (8).' This is a snapshot at one point in time, and the positions and cities in this list will fluctuate from year to year but, for now, the position of London as top city destination is no surprise from a home exchange perspective. London is by far the most requested city destination by Home Base Holidays members. But then, it's hardly surprising that Home Base Holidays, based in London and with many London members, attracts members worldwide who want to visit London! Check out current exchange offers in London (choose England from the country list and then, London, from the state/county list to limit the results to homes within the city). Rather than try to pin down the most popular location(s) in the world for home exchanges, it's much more useful to look at supply and demand. Although Rome may be in eighth position according to the figures published by Euromonitor International, Rome, and indeed, Italy generally, is a very popular destination request by home exchangers. Although numbers of members in Italy are increasing, as the demand for exchanges to Italy comes from all over the world, it's hardly surprising that, yes, if you can afford that lovely villa in Tuscany, the world will be your oyster for home exchanges! Tuscany a little beyond your means? Don't worry - your home, wherever you live, will be an ideal location for someone. How can that be you ask? Well, check through listings and the most requested destination of all is, ta-da - 'Open to Offers'! Of course this doesn't mean that a member who is willing to consider exchange offers from anywhere in the world will be interested in, or able to take up, every offer received. That would be unrealistic. And you will need to be prepared to be proactive in contacting other members with your exchange offer and work that bit harder at drawing attention to the attractions close to your home if you don't live in a well known city or area. But, as long as you are realistic about locations you will consider too, there is no reason why you won't be able to arrange a great swap as thousands of other similar home exchangers do every year. Can't find an exchange in Tuscany for your cute little house on the prairie? Look at exchange offers in neighbouring countries - France, Spain, Germany and the UK too. Think laterally - Western Europe is not a huge area, and there are several airlines offering cheap fares for short flights between cities throughout Europe. The money you save on accommodation costs while in your exchange home should easily cover the costs of a flight within Europe to, and hotel costs for a few days, in the place you set your heart on seeing. And your 'second best' choice exchange location may well surprise you with all it has to offer. The best of both worlds! international market intelligence on industries, countries and consumers for over 30 years. A quote from a recent Euromonitor report on the Top City Destinations for Tourists Worldwide: