Some Home Base Holidays members have already responded to PhD student, Alexander Grit's, recent request for volunteers willing to record their home exchanges for use in his research for his thesis (there will be an update in the newsletter out tomorrow). Then, yesterday, I received another similar request (below). Who would have thought a few years ago that home exchange would become so popular as a subject for academic research! 'Dear Lois, My name is Nathalie, a Belgian student in tourism, and I am doing my thesis on Home Exchange. I would like to thank you for your blog and your newsletters, as they have helped me find confidence in finishing my thesis because of the lack of information on the subject. I'm not fluent in english, and finding information in french is very hard. I was also surprised to see that someone else, Alexander Grit, was working on home exchange as well! I was wondering if, by any chance, you could help me with some questions. I look forward to hearing from you. Best regards, Nathalie Warny' I am pleased to help Nathalie however I can but know that she will gain much from having feedback from a number of experienced home exchangers. Nathalie has sent some further details: 'My name is Nathalie Warny and I am a Belgian bachelor student in Travel and Tourism Management at the Charles Peguy Institute in Louvain-la-Neuve (a university campus). I am doing my thesis on the impact Home Exchange has had on the travel industry. I am also working on building a fictional label of quality and an online database of websites devoted to home exchanges with exchangers reviews, rankings, etc. I am looking for volunteers who have, or are planning to, exchange their home, who are willing to give me some of their time and patience, and share their experiences or expectations. My interests are truthworthy and honest and I shall strictly respect and protect the privacy of all the volunteers. Questions are not yet set and specific but I have a few examples: If you are interested in sharing your thoughts, feelings and experiences, please feel free to contact me through Lois Sealey. I am thanking in advance volunteers who will help me in my research and work. Lois, I am grateful for your precious help, efforts and kindness.' - Nathalie If you are prepared to answer a few questions for Nathalie, please send a message including 'for Nathalie Warny' in the subject line and I will forward it to her.