A few weeks ago I published a post based on a question from a member, Allowing Use of a Computer/Internet Access by Home Exchange Partners: Any Potential Problems? Ian, who posed the original question, was mainly concerned with the legal position should a member of the exchange party have downloaded illegal material onto a computer. Although we still haven't come to a definitive answer on that particular question, there has been useful feedback from other members, one response published in the last issue of Home Swappers newsletter. Following from this, Maureen, an experienced exchanger from Australia, shared her own experiences, which any home exchanger with a monthly Internet tariff fixed by the number of hours of usage should take note of:
'I noticed the item on computer access on home exchanges so thought I'd add my tuppence worth ...
We were caught quite badly when we did a swap with some folk from France. Our programme for the Internet is capped at 400 gs which is normally quite sufficient. We didn't even consider mentioning this to our swappers so sure were we that it would be sufficient for their use.
However, they brought another couple with them (with our consent) and they discovered that they could read a French daily newspaper over the Internet. All four of them read it every day! So our usage skyrocketed to 2500 gs and we received a bill for $400 extra over our plan.
We of course picked up this cost and put it down to experience as we had not put any restrictions on our swappers for the use of the Internet. They also downloaded software that we were unable to remove on our return.
While we were at their home, unfortunately there was a wild storm and lightening hit the house and knocked out the Internet. With the language problem we were unable to get it fixed so were unable to use it whilst we were there. We found an Internet cafe and used this.
However, this experience did not bode well for our next swappers as we agreed not to use each others' Internet service and, instead, both used Internet Cafes!
So I guess this is a word of warning to clarify what is available and what parameters you expect to be honoured. Regards, Maureen'
Maureen's attractive home exchange offer on Australia's Gold Coast:
'Our house is situated on Queensland's Gold Coast, magnificant beaches & tourist attractions. Excellent golf courses & the sun shines all the time - warm weather guaranteed any time of year. Our house is two story, has 4 bedrooms, three of which have en suite bathrooms and the fourth has a bathroom downstairs nearby. We have a swimming pool with spa and the rear balcony overlooks a lake so the views are spectacular.' See the full exchange offer and more photos, HE14532