It's quite common for home exchangers to agree to look after each other's cats, dogs and other small animals and birds often kept as pets. But a recent Home Base Holidays member has a rather unusual request: "There is one cat to feed, and usually some triops (small water creatures -- rather ugly if you ask me, but Rob likes them and at least they don't make any noise)." Check out the full home exchange offer and see more photos, HE19421 I must admit I'd never heard of triops and looked for a photo of them (shown here). As well as having a cat and the triops for company, the lucky people who arrange an exchange with this member will be spending time in a house in Kent, England surrounded by history:
"We have a 500-year-old Grade-II-listed two-bedroom house in Faversham, voted 'the best market town in Kent.' The house features oak beams, 18th-century bread ovens, wood stove, 2 computers with wireless broadband, herb and fruit garden, 6'6" Bluthner grand piano, lots of Arts and Crafts antiques, plenty of books and DVDs, far too much cooking gadgetry, 1 car, 3 bikes and one self-regarding pedigreed Abyssinian. Professionally cleaned twice a month. Near the centre of Faversham, within easy walking distance of shops, pubs, restaurants, movie theatre and the train station. Trains to London take 70 minutes; Canterbury is 15 minutes away.
The photo on the right shows the bread ovens. They are in the 'new part' of the house (i.e. the 18th-century back rooms, as opposed to the 15th-century front rooms), and it was actually used as a professional bakery at that time. They are no longer connected to the chimney so are not usable as ovens, but they make great places to keep wine slightly cool."