Most people probably still think of swapping homes purely for vacations but, increasingly, we are finding Home Base Holidays members combining work with time off while on home swaps. For many, a computer and high speed internet access is all that's needed to continue working in a home exchange home. 'Traditional Pavlova Paradise 20 minutes drive to thriving university town, art galleries, restaurants, bars, theatre etc. We have a 1/2 acre private garden overlooking Otago Harbour and mountains, a spectacular view. See the full exchange offer and more photos, HE18527 Image © Ewan McdougallOne very recent member, Ewan, a full time artist living and working in his home near Dunedin, New Zealand, is looking for a home exchange in London in November, as a relaxing break after exhibitions of his artwork in Spain and London. Ewan and Sarah offer a taste of Paradise for Londoners who would like to escape the city in November:
Two bedroomed warm wooden bungalow with all mod cons. We have lived here for 22 years. Birds in the garden are tuis, bellbirds, wax eyes. Two minutes to beach and yacht club. Twenty minutes to Albatross, sea lions, shag colonies and yellow eyed and little blue penguins. Plentiful walks. 15k to Dunedin City.'
If you happen to be in London in November, Ewan's exhibition is opening on the 4th November at 5pm at Darbucka Gallery, 182 St Johns St, Clerkenwell EC1. If you can't make it to the exhibition, visit Ewan's website to view more samples of his work.