A: That's the first time I've seen a currency conversion done in Big Macs (as a vegetarian I'll take your word for the exchange rates!) Home Base Holidays' subscription rates haven't increased for well over six years and, in fact, are now much lower in real terms than 20 years ago when all members received print directories. The internet only option has done away with the need to cover expensive printing and postal costs. I do understand that variations in currency values will mean that rates that are extremely modest in one country can seem less so in others. However, with home exchange, you are investing a little by paying a small subscription to join, knowing that everyone else has paid the same fee. Because of this, you can be confident that all members listed are genuinely interested in arranging home exchanges (rather than find, if members were charged little or nothing, that many would list their homes on a whim without any real committment to arranging exchanges). You should have a very good chance of finding a suitable swap, especially in the UK where we have a large number of members. You are also not restricted to arranging one exchange but are free to arrange as many exchanges, or other options, as you want during your membership period; many members arrange one or two longer international exchanges but have shorter breaks closer to home too. Once you have arranged an exchange, you will only have your air fares and spending money to consider - your accommodation (usually a major expense when travelling) will be free (car too if you decide to swap cars). Maybe best of all, you can decide when you want to eat in (as you will be in a home with all the facilities to cater for yourself) and when you want to splurge and eat out - you should find much better and cheaper options at local cafes and pubs so you won't be limited to eating Big Macs! Q: 'Hi guys, you seem to have lots of good home exchange listings on your site. But it's very expensive to join. From your side, it's just 29 pounds. That's just over 14 Big Macs I think. But the current currency conversion is: 29 British Pounds = 70.37893 Australian Dollars. That's just under 25 Big Macs down here. My question is ... do you offer any discounts to people who happen to live in a country with a real crappy currency (Great for Brits to visit here, but real bad for Aussies visiting Britain)? Thanks,' - Pete, Australia