'Having the world's best idea will do you no good unless you act on it. People who want milk shouldn't sit on a stool in the middle of a field in hopes that a cow will back up to them.' - Curtis Grant I saw this quote in an ezine recently. Although the context in which the quote was used was (how not to) run a business, it is a very good analogy for (how not to) approach arranging a home exchange too. The most successful home swappers are not always those with the grandest homes who appear to have most to offer, but rather those who are so enthusiastic about the idea of swapping homes that they are prepared to spend a good deal of time and effort to find suitable matches. Such people enjoy the whole process of making contact with others and getting to know them through regular correspondence, making this part of the fun of home exchange holidays. As home exchange is, of necessity, a do-it-yourself arrangement between individuals, it is always best to allow plenty of time to find and arrange an exchange (be as flexible as possible on dates, length of exchange and locations for the most choices). If your genuine enthusiasm for sharing your home and local attractions with others, along with an appreciation of their homes and areas, comes across in your personal exchange offer messages, you are much more likely to receive more positive responses than if your enquiry messages are impersonal and merely a description of your own great home and possessions! Worse still is to sit back and wait for the offers to flood in. This certainly does happen, especially for those who are fortunate enough to live in very popular areas but, more often, it is those who are proactive, contacting several others with their exchange offers (and checking new listings often), who are the most successful at finding the perfect home swap matches, however modest their own homes may be. So, if you are thinking of a home exchange vacation in 2006, browse current listings, join Home Base Holidays - and start compiling your thoughtful exchange offer messages today!