A: You may not find listings for members specifically looking for exchanges to Colorado Springs but this doesn't mean that there aren't members who would be interested in swapping homes with you. Most home exchangers, unless they really need to be in a particular town or city (perhaps to visit family), are much more open in their destination requests, e.g. listing US states they are interested in, just indicating 'USA' or, in many cases, 'Open to Offers Anywhere.' You can check if there are any current members who particularly want an exchange in your city/state by using Advanced Search. Enter your city or state in the box after 'To find members looking for an exchange in your location' before searching. But don't ignore the many more listings that could be possibilities for exchanges but don't list your city as a destination. Compile an enticing exchange offer message and contact as many members as you wish once you join Home Base Holidays. Include links to local information and tourist websites (links here are to Colorado Springs sites). An attractive offer can persuade members to agree to an exchange in an area they just hadn't thought of before. As for a 3-way exchange, although this can be done, it can be much more complicated to arrange than a direct swap between two members who get to know each other through regular correspondence, i.e. this could be like being in a chain of house buyers/sellers where a problem with one link can affect everyone else in the chain. So, generally, it is best to stick to one direct home swap at a time. Q: I don't see anybody who wants to come to my city - Colorado Springs, CO. Is there a way to make a 3-way exchange? Or what can be done if there is nobody looking to exchange homes with me? - Marjorie