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May 29, 2005


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Angela Dold

Dear Lois

Thank you so much for your return email.

One problem for my friend and I, and often for visitors who come from afar have, is that we did not use a car when we were in the UK and U.S. so used trains and local buses (and anything else we could find) as transport. This can be a real problem when trying to find an internet access close to where a person is staying. We also often only had a short time in a town and couldn't wander around looking. We would sometimes be on the bus leaving the town and we would glimpse a little internet cafe in a most unlikely place, three or four kilometres from our hotel.

We didn't expect any hiccup in our arrangements, so just went along merrily enjoying ourselves never dreaming that our swoppers were facing a crisis.

My friend and I just assumed we would be able to contact home once we reached our home exchange.

So, Lois, sorry to blab on again, but finding access to a computer was a problem once we started travelling around without our own transport so perhaps the real thing people should make sure they do is phone home whenever possible! Don't rely on cyber space! Phone cards, local and international, are not expensive and would save a lot of hassles.

Thanks again

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