Angela wrote: 'I’ve recently read your newsletter re the conditions and etiquette when undertaking a home-exchange (Home Swappers April/May, article: Home Exchange Email Code of Conduct). Illness caused my UK home-swap to cancel their arrangement with me in New Zealand, but because I’d left New Zealand four weeks before the exchange date I could not be contacted. Prior to this my UK swapper and I had emailed regularly. My friend and I found a message waiting for us when we arrived in London just prior to moving into the house, and as you can guess, we were quite devastated at the news that we could not do this. The UK is an expensive place to visit; we weren’t leaving for NZ until 6th December and it was then early October, so a long time to stay in unplanned accommodation. However, the couple were absolutely wonderful. They let us stay with them in Ely for a few days, taking us on short trips around Cambridgeshire; they then went on a short cruise while we used their house for ten days. They allowed us to leave our big suitcases with them, and when we picked up the cases to go home, they offered to drive us to Heathrow Airport. I know the couple were as upset as we were over the cancellation, but they did everything they could to lessen our disappointment and it was doubly appreciated especially as the lady was to undergo cancer treatment. Because of the hotel costs, extra food costs, etc. the holiday was much more expensive than we had bargained for, but we still had a marvellous time. My friend and I are saving up for another trip so hope to use your service again next year, more successfully we hope!. Thank you.' - Angela E. Dold (Auckland, New Zealand) I was so sorry to hear of Angela's unexpected (and expensive) problems on her trip to the UK last year. It is wonderful that, in spite of what must have been a very worrying time for them, her exchange partners did all they could to help out and that Angela and her friend had a good time on their holiday despite the illness that prevented the exchange taking place as planned. Although Angela (and her exchange partners) were very unlucky to have their exchange plans fall through, their experience illustrates a situation I have to admit to not even thinking much about before, that is, when members' travel plans involve being out of touch for some time before an exchange is due to take place. In such situations, either leave a contact telephone number (a friend or relative, ideally the same person who agrees to act as your 'agent' to welcome exchange guests, hand over keys, etc) of someone who will be able to get messages to you if needed during your travels. Or, usually easy now, plan to check email at least a couple of times a week while travelling (public internet access is now available in most places, in cafes, public libraries and hotels). At least in this way, there would be a little time to make alternative plans should problems with exchange plans arise after you set off. Some members do make provisional plans for the unlikely event of one party not being able to go ahead with an exchange (such as providing a second home or agreeing to pay accommodation rental costs for their exchange partners - see articles in recent issues of Home Swappers Newsletter, Home Exchange: Planning for the Unexpected and One-Way Exchange: When a Member Can't Travel) but it is likely the case that the majority of members won't cover all such possible, but very rare, 'what if' situations in their exchange arrangements. In a case such as Angela's, when already travelling, any travel insurance policy is unlikely to have covered the cost of renting accommodation when the exchange fell through due to her exchange partner's illness. However, it would be useful to find out if any other home exchangers have encountered a similar situation or have suggestions for insurance (which will vary in different countries) that would cover such an unexpected eventuality. Do leave a comment or contact us. Angela will soon be renewing her membership to start looking for a home swap for 2006. She has a very attractive offer in Auckland and hopefully her next exchange will go (as most do!) completely to plan. I received the following message from Home Base Holidays member, Angela Dold, and am including it here as a reminder for others who set off on their travels some time before a home exchange takes place, to ensure there is a way for exchange partners to contact them en route if needed.