Q: We live in a two bedroomed terrace house and wish to house swop mainly in Europe but with a small well behaved dog. Is this possible? - Estelle A: Yes, it is possible to take a dog on a home exchange with you provided, of course, that you have the home owner's permission and take care of all the necessary requirements for taking your dog to Europe. When browsing current exchange offers, you will see in the full listings that one of the headings is 'Conditions of Exchange'. If you see 'No Pets' with a tick beside it in listings, avoid contacting such members as there will be a reason that they don't want pets in their homes (perhaps they want their own pets cared for at home during an exchange, a family member may have allergies to animals - or they just prefer to keep their homes pet-free). You will find many members who haven't ticked the 'No Pets' box and it is well worth contacting these members with your exchange offer, explaining that you would like to bring your small well behaved dog with you and would ensure you followed any restrictions on where your dog would be allowed in their home if they agreed to swap homes with you. Also include this information in your own listing - you may find a member who would like to do the same, i.e. bring their pet with them to your home. The other alternative, if you can bear to be parted from your little dog (and I know how hard that is!), is to exchange with members who agree to care for your dog in your home in return for pet care while you are in their home.