Well, how are we doing so far? I only started this blog in early September 2004 but it seems like it has been part of my life forever! Blogging is great for people who enjoy writing (and, by the large number of weblogs out there, there are a lot of us about) but, with a blog like Travel the Home Exchange Way, it is important to know if it is serving it's purpose, i.e. addressing issues related to home exchange vacations in a clear and informative way.
I came across a website this week, The Weblog Review, which does exactly what it says - provides a very useful weblog review service, with a large number of volunteers writing reviews of new weblogs submitted every week.
When starting the home exchange weblog, I believed that most visitors would be Home Base Holidays members, Home Swappers subscribers and people aware of the idea of home swapping already but who wanted more information before trying it out themselves. The visitors I hadn't really anticipated are those that happen upon the weblog, perhaps when searching for something else, and who need a good, concise description of home exhange to be tempted to spend time reading the posts to find out more. This is what was especially useful in the feedback provided by the three reviewers from The Weblog Review who all took the time to give thoughtful comments; none of the three had heard of home exchange vacations before and, for this reason, their feedback is particularly valuable - I plan to address a couple of points they raised very soon!
The other reasons I was pleased to find this service is that, from having read quite a number of weblogs, I get the feeling that bloggers my age (i.e. well over 55) are in a small minority and that younger bloggers will often have much more experience both of designing/writing weblogs and regularly visiting others. It's nice to learn from the young! Here are quotes from each review (read full reviews of Travel the Home Exchange Way on The Weblog Review):
'I really enjoyed this site a lot. I learned a lot about home exchanging and it was really useful to hear about other people’s experiences. It gives insight to the issues that arise when exchanging homes and also all of the preparation that goes into it. It sounded like it would be a unique experience and great alternative to staying in a hotel. "Travel the Home Exchange Way" is very useful if you’re interested or are currently someone who does home exchanging. Great site.' - reviewed on 2005-01-21 by imelda
'A nice, clean, well-organized blog, Travel the Home Exchange Way is written by Lois Sealey and is an excellent source of all things "house swapping." This is a very short review for this site, but suffice it to say more informational blogs like this are needed for niche markets such as the home exchangers. What a great way to get information and be able to leave feedback on your experience. Well done, Lois.' - reviewed on 2005-01-21 by SJtheMom
'Now, I haven't really thought of Home Exchange but from the articles and entries that I have read, I am certainly interested in the idea of it. And I think that the blog itself is informative enough to hold the attention of someone who is even somewhat interested in Home Exchange. This site is a great one to visit especially if the idea of swapping houses is not one that makes you turn away with an unpleasant feeling. I recommend this blog to anyone interested in the idea. Of course, owning your home would be a plus.' - reviewed on 2005-01-21 by jade smith