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December 09, 2004


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Insurance: "The Importance of Travel Insurance
By: Karen Zastudil "

insurance: "What Is Term Life Insurance?
By: Tim Gorman "

insurance: "How Do I Lower My Auto Insurance Premiums?
By: Tim Gorman "

David White

You recently included an article concerning the cost of travel insurance for wrinklies, especially those over 70 years of age.

We have just received a proposal for a stay in New Zealand of up to 4 months from a broker in Aberdeen. Their telephone # is 0845 130 2800, the offer is from AIS.

John W.

You mentioned Perry and Gambol. I have first hand experience of dealing with this company (one brother having a triple bi-pass and the other emphasemia and angina), and they were an excellent company to deal with and not excessivly expensive.

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